Predicting individual non-coding variant effects in disease associated promoter and enhancer elements
Challenge: Regulation Saturation
Dataset description: public
Dataset availability: registered users only
Last updated: 24 April 2018
This challenge closes at 8:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) on 3 May 2018.
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Due to technical reasons, the dataset includes positions 20bp up- and downstream of each construct which should have been removed. Please disregards the following positions: F9:X 138612621; GP1BB:22 19710788; HBG1:11 5271309; HNF4A:20 42984159; IRF6:1 209989736; MSMB:10 51548987; PKLR:1 155271656; SORT1:1 109817273; HBB:11 5248439; IRF4:6 396142; LDLR:19 11199906; MYCrs6983267:8 128413073; ZFAND3:6 37775274
17,500 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in 5 human disease associated enhancers (including IRF4, IRF6, MYC, SORT1) and 9 promoters (including TERT, LDLR, F9, HBG1) were assessed in a saturation mutagenesis massively parallel reporter assay. Promoters were cloned into a plasmid upstream of a tagged reporter construct, and reporter expression was measured relative to the plasmid DNA to determine the impact of promoter variants. Enhancers were placed upstream of a minimal promoter and assayed similarly. The challenge is to predict the functional effects of these variants in the regulatory regions as measured from the reporter expression.
Non-coding variants are known to play an important role in a number of diseases, particularly complex trait disease and cancer. Although a number of specific disease relevant variants have been identified, these provide insufficient data to thoroughly test computational methods that aim to find such variants.
Kircher and collaborators generated variant-specific activity maps for 9 clinically relevant promoters and 5 clinically relevant enhancer sequences in a plasmid-based massively parallel reporter assay (MPRA). The approach was validated by replication and by confirming that previously known disease-causing variants were found. For example, all previously known activating mutations in the TERT core promoter were rediscovered. The dataset includes quantitative expression measurements for more than 17,500 SNVs. These experiments provide a rich dataset for benchmarking predictive models of non-coding variant effects, a database for the interpretation of potentially disease-causing regulatory mutations, and the potential for providing critical insight that will aid the development of improved computational tools.
Briefly, the enhancers are characterized by a reporter assay that links a candidate enhancer sequence to a minimal promoter (a promoter that results in minimal reporter expression without a functional enhancer) and a reporter gene (e.g., GFP, LacZ, luciferase or others) whose RNA and DNA includes a unique sequence (tag). The reporter vectors are introduced into cell lines, and the reporter gene expression for each variant is examined relative to the amount of its plasmid DNA. If the candidate sequence acts as an enhancer, it will increase promoter activity and the reporter gene expression in the tissue/cell type of interest. High-throughput sequencing was carried out to determine the function of each enhancer variant (Inoue & Ahituv, 2015) by measuring abundance of the tag in RNA and DNA, as well as tag association with candidate enhancer sequence variants.
Like enhancers, promoter candidate sequences are also cloned into a plasmid upstream of a tagged reporter, and reporter expression is again measured relative to the plasmid DNA to determine the impact of promoter variants (Patwardhan et al., 2009; Tewhey et al., 2016).
In detail, the underlying MPRA libraries (50k-2M) were derived from PCR-based saturation mutagenesis of regulatory regions of up to 600bp length. Changes to functional sequences with a rate of 1 per 100 bases were created randomly. The resulting PCR products with approximately 1/100 changes compared to the template region were integrated in a plasmid library containing random tag sequences. Promoter and enhancer sequences of interest (Table 1 & 2) were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. RNA and DNA was pooled, gel-purified, and sequenced. Paired End sequencing of the RNA and DNA for each of three replicates were sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq instrument to derive variant-specific activity maps for the promoter and enhancer sequences. The counts of transcribed RNA barcodes were put in relation to DNA barcode counts of the transfected plasmid library. The relative abundance of each tag provides a digital readout of the transcriptional efficiency of its cis-linked mutant promote or enhancer.
Specifically, a multiple linear regression model of log2(RNA) ~ log2(DNA) + N + offset (were RNA and DNA are counts observed for all n tags, N is a binary matrix associating n tags to m sequence variants and offset is the models' offset normalizing total DNA to RNA counts) was used to assign sequence effects. From the fit, m coefficients (corresponding to the columns of matrix N) were obtained and assigned as the effects of each sequence variant (SNV). A confidence score was derived by capping the p-value of the multiple linear regression at 10-50 and scaling the log10-transformed value between 0 and 1 (i.e. 1 corresponding to a p-value of ≤10-50, 0.5 of 10-25, 0 to a p-value of 1). We deemed a confidence score greater or equal to 0.1 (p-value of 10-5) indicates that the SNV "has an expression effect" while <0.1 means "has no expression effect".
Table 1: Tested promoter sequences.
Promoter Genomic coordinates (GRCh38/hg19) Associated Phenotype Vector Cell line Transf. time (hr) Fold Change Construct size (bp)
F9 chrX:138612624-138612923 Hemophilia B pGL4.11b HepG2 24 2.6 300
GP1BB chr22:19710790-19711173 Bernard-Soulier Syndrome pGL4.11b HEL 92.1.7 24 22.1 384
HBB chr11:5248252-5248438 Thalassemia pGL4.11b HEL 92.1.7 24 14.3 187
HBG chr11:5271035-5271308 Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin pGL4.11b HEL 92.1.7 24 118.1 274
HNF4A (P2) chr20:42984160-42984444 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) pGL4.11b HEK293T 24 2.8 285
LDLR chr19:11199907-11200224 Familial hypercholesterolemia pGL4.11b HepG2 24 110.7 318
MSMB chr10:51548988-51549578 Prostate cancer pGL4.11b HEK293T 24 8.4 591
PKLR chr1:155271187-155271655 Pyruvate kinase deficiency pGL4.11b K562 48 29.4 469
TERT chr5:1295105-1295362 Various types of cancer pGL4.11b HEK293T, GBM 24 231.8 258
Table 2: Tested enhancer sequences.
Enhancer Genomic coordinates (hg19) Phenotype caused by mutations Vector Cell line Transf. time (hr) Fold Change Construct size (bp)
IRF4 chr6:396143-396593 Human pigmentation pGL4.23 SK-MEL-28 24 44.5 451
IRF6 chr1:209989135-209989734 Cleft lip pGL4.23 HaCaT 24 17.0 600
MYC chr8:128413074-128413673 Various types of cancer (rs6983267) pGL4.23 HEK293T 32, 20nM LiCl added after 24hr 0.8 600
SORT1 chr1:109817274-109817873 Plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol & myocardial infraction pGL4.23 HepG2 24 235.3 600
ZFAND3 chr6:37775276-37775853 Type 2 diabetes pGL4.23 MIN6 24 14.3 578
Dataset description
Training data: A tab delimited file of variant effects for about 25% of all measured alleles is provided. Training data set files have the following columns:
Test data files have the following columns:
Additional columns in the training data are columns derived from Value and Confidence to match the information requested in the submission format.
Prediction submission format
For the remaining 75% of the data, participants are asked to submit their predictions based on the chromosome, position (1-based) and the reference and alternate alleles.
The prediction submission is a tab-delimited text file. The organizers provide a template file for all promoters and enhancers, which must be used for submission. In addition, a validation script is provided, and predictors must check the correctness of the format before submitting their predictions.
Each data row in the submitted file must include the following columns:
Note that other evaluation criteria may also be used, at the assessor’s discretion.
In the template file, cells in columns 5-9 are marked with a "*". Submit your predictions by replacing the "*" with your value. No empty cells are allowed in the submission. For a given subset, you must submit predictions and standard errors for all or none of the variants; if you are not confident in a prediction for a variant, enter an appropriate large standard error for the prediction. Optionally, enter a brief comment on the basis of the prediction. If you do not enter a comment on a prediction, leave the "*" in those cells. Please make sure you follow the submission guidelines strictly.
In addition, your submission should include a detailed description of the method used to make the predictions, similar to the style of the Methods section in a scientific article. This information must be submitted as a separate file.
To submit predictions, you need to create or be part of a CAGI User group. Submit your predictions by accessing the link "All submission forms" from the front page of your group. For more details, please read the FAQ page.
Additional information
Note that many predictions of repressive effects may be small, i.e. not significantly different from a zero effect size. In consideration of this, the challenge will be evaluated in multiple ways, as described. Predictors should also note that expression effects are evaluated in a plasmid system and not the full regulatory environment of the cell.
Table 3 provides correlation coefficients obtained from quantifying effects across the three experimental replicates. These values will serve as the upper limit of score correlations obtained in analyses 9 and 11 and correlation coefficients will be rescaled using these values to correct for differences in experimental noise between different loci
Table 3: Pearson correlation of variant effect estimates obtained from fitting SNV effects across the three experimental replicates each.
Name Replicate correlation
F9 0.61
GP1BB 0.74
HBB 0.62
HBG1 0.78
HNF4A 0.75
IRF4 0.98
IRF6 0.90
LDLR 0.99
MSMB 0.75
MYC (rs6983267) 0.55
PKLR 0.79
SORT1 0.98
TERT (GBM) 0.90
TERT (HEK293T) 0.65
ZFAND3 0.72
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Download dataset: This dataset file is available only to registered users. Please log in to access the file.
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Download validation script: This submission validation script is available only to registered users. Please log in to access the file.
Dataset provided by
Martin Kircher (1, 2), Fumitaka Inoue (3), Chenling Xiong (3), Beth Martin (2), Nadav Ahituv (3), Jay Shendure (2)
1.Translational Genomics Center, Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany 2.Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle WA, USA 3.Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, Institute for Human Genetics, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco CA, USA
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Revision history
4 Jan 2018 (v01): initial release
16 Apr 2018 (v01): Note added and new challenge closure date
24 Sep 2018 (v02): Dataset availability added