Data Use Agreement

Essential information about how you can use CAGI data. Please read carefully, because it might contain data use restrictions that you did not expect.

CAGI aims to advance phenotypic interpretation of genomic variation. The CAGI experiments depend on the interrogation of data from people whose information has been collected as part of clinical care, following participation in a research project or biorepository, or from healthy volunteers.  Some of these data—incorporating both genotypes and phenotypes—are sensitive and personal and therefore must be handled with the utmost respect, integrity, and care. This includes being maintained with the highest standards of data security and confidentiality.

The success of CAGI also hinges critically on the generous contribution of pre-publication datasets and the participation of predictors and assessors. Many datasets affect individuals’ careers.

To protect unpublished and sensitive data that have been shared with CAGI, and as a condition of participation in CAGI, CAGI participants must agree to the following dataset dissemination rules. Here we define CAGI “participants” as those who have any role in CAGI, including predictors, assessors, dataset providers, organizers, and advisors.

All CAGI participants, including those within the same research group, must individually sign the data use agreement. To register for the CAGI dataset access, you must read, understand, and agree to these data use rules. If you agree to these rules, please indicate this by providing your initials. 

Last updated: May 3, 2021