CAGI⁕⁕ Workshop

Shaping the Future of Computational Genome Interpretation

Start: 29 September 2023, 12pm (noon) ET

End: 1 October 2023, 5pm ET

Location: Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

291 St. Botolph Street, Boston, MA 02115 (East Village, 17th floor, map)

Meeting materials: final agenda, list of participants, accepted abstracts.

 Register here (closed)

Code of Conduct

CAGI follows the ISCB Code of Conduct. Please report any concerns to CAGI organizers (Brenner, Fullerton, Radivojac).

Important Dates

Early registration:             August 4, 2023

Regular registration:        September 8, 2023

Late registration:              September 22, 2023

Fellowship application:   August 11, 2023 for full consideration (must concurrently submit abstract)

Abstract submission:      September 1, 2023

Registration Fees

Type*     Trainee               Academic**       Industry             Sponsor

Early       $370                   $690                   $925                     $1,750

Regular  $450                   $750                   $1,050                $1,750

Late        $500                   $800                   $1,100                $1,750

Onsite    $550                   $875                   $1,200                $1,750

* A 15% discount is available to all ISCB members. Become an ISCB member now!

** Government employees can use Academic rates.

CAGI follows the ISCB Media Access Policies and Guidelines. Please contact us for access.

During registration, you will be asked to answer our brief demographics questionnaire. This information will be helpful for us to maintain NIH funding. Thank you for your understanding.


Keynotes: Wendy Chung, Boston Children’s Hospital; Anne O’Donnell-Luria, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.

Confirmed speakers: John Basl, Northeastern University; Clare Bycroft, Google DeepMind; Hannah Carter, UCSD; Wyatt Clark, BioMarin; Malia Fullerton, University of Washington; Joe Gray, Oregon Health & Science University; Robert Green, Brigham & Women’s Hospital; Nilah Ioannidis, UC Berkeley; Rachel Karchin, Johns Hopkins University; Xihong Lin, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Raquel Hill, Spelman College; Xiaoming Liu, University of South Florida; John Moult, University of Maryland; Luca Pinello, Massachusetts General Hospital; Andrea Ramirez, National Institutes of Health; Burkhard Rost, Technical University Munich; D. Sculley, Kaggle; Nikolai Slavov, Northeastern University; Marc Vidal, Harvard Medical School; Catharine Wang, Boston University. 

Confirmed session and discussion chairs: Joanne Berghout, Pfizer; Yana Bromberg, Emory University; Lenore Cowen, Tufts University; Malia Fullerton, University of Washington; Marc Greenblatt, University of Vermont; Tim Hubbard, King’s College London; Jose Lugo-Martinez, Carnegie Mellon University; Sean Mooney, University of Washington; John Moult, University of Maryland; Shamil Sunyaev, Harvard Medical School.

The agenda is available here. Please refer to this for information on dates, locations and sessions.

Call for Abstracts

Please follow our guidelines for submitting an abstract. Please submit your abstract to

Deadline for receipt: 1 September 2023

Deadline for receipt: 11 August 2023 for full fellowship consideration

For fellowship applicants, please submit an abstract along with your fellowship application by 11 August 2023 for full consideration. Applications will be continually considered until all available fellowships are awarded.

Fellowship Applications

Fellowships are available, and in previous years we were able to provide support to most eligible applicants. To be eligible for fellowship support, you must be a student, postdoc or other non-faculty scientist working in the US, or a US citizen or permanent resident working outside the US. We may also be able to support some members of under-represented groups, including those with disabilities, regardless of citizenship. All eligible applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for a fellowship and are likely to receive one.

Deadline for receipt: 11 August 2023 (must concurrently submit abstract)

Please fill out the fellowship application form and submit it to Applications submitted before the 11 August 2023 deadline will receive full consideration, however, applications will be continually considered until all available fellowships are awarded.

Poster Dimensions

48’’ x 36’’ (height = 48 inches, width = 36 inches).

Call for Sponsors 

If you belong to an organization that would like to support the CAGI conference via sponsorship, please contact us at

Description of the CAGI⁕⁕ Meeting

The CAGI⁕⁕ Workshop seeks to distill insights from the six editions of the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation (CAGI) and current advances in the field, with the goal of shaping the future of genome interpretation and guiding the evolution of the CAGI experiment.

The conference covers variant impact prediction, clinical genome interpretation, and fundamental biomedical research. Topics span Mendelian conditions, to germline and somatic cancer risk, to complex phenotype stratification using polygenic scores. 

We aim to engage a diverse community of delegates, from the CAGI community and beyond. Pre-conference salons offer trainees a platform to propose daring ideas, while the workshop itself features talks, panels, poster sessions, a mentorship meal, and in-depth discussions.

Key themes range from addressing outstanding challenges in the field to confronting ethical concerns responsibly. The meeting surveys the current state of variant impact prediction, and strategies for assessing prediction performance. We will also explore ways to optimize exploration, discovery, diagnosis, and treatment. We place particular emphasis on emerging data resources and novel methodologies, such as large language models. The workshop will also tackle data sharing and accessibility. Additional topics include potential new challenges and designs, synergies with other communities, resources and sustainability of experiments, publication and status updates, and expanding accessibility and participation in CAGI. We place a special focus on development of a diverse community of participants.

We welcome all participants, and offer fellowships for eligible individuals. We look forward to insightful debates and rich discussions shaping the future of genome interpretation and chart the trajectory for CAGI’s future.


Information on accommodation, parking and other logistics can be found here. Please contact us early for access to lactation rooms and assistance with childcare.


The CAGI** Workshop is primarily supported by the National Institutes of Health award U24 HG007346. Additional support is provided by Northeastern University, including Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Institute for Experiential AI, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, PROTECT Center, Bouvé College of Health Sciences, and College of Science.

Last updated: October 6, 2023